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Artistically, I work in many areas, for concentrating on just one would mean depriving myself of interesting possibilities of expression. Art is as diverse as life itself, art means discovering new things and constantly reinventing yourself. It means to see the world with fresh eyes to stay open-minded, to take nothing for granted and to question everything over and over again.
Personally, I have everything I need, in order to evolve and grow.
So that others, who live in less fortunate circumstances, may benefit from such an opportunity too, I will donate a portion of the proceeds from each artwork on this website to Plan International.
This website's purpose is not only to show my artwork, but also to inspire and encourage. Everyone is an artist, Josef Beuys said.
Art is no wizardry. Art is play, imagination, handicraft, often hard but also fulfilling work. For and through art, I have overcome various obstacles in my life. I learned: you can do anything if you really want to.
What du you think?
I'm always open to an exchange and happy to give and to receive tips.
Currently, this website reflects only a portion of my work. In time, I will be able to share more. Meanwhile, I am constantly creating new artwork. So stay tuned and/or find me on Instagram.
Except for me and a few pieces, everything you can find on this website is potentially available for sale. Feel free to contact me for details!
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